We support executives

We regard the qualification of executives as an integral part of organizational change processes. We see leadership development and enterprise development as mutually complementary and supporting.
We orient ourselves methodically on the respective entrepreneurial requirements of our clients for the development of organizational and personal leadership skills. We see case studies as one of the most effective ways of reflecting on one’s own leadership.
Cognition, emotion and embodiment
Findings from neurobiological brain research show that changes occur based on the inclusion of three kinds of intelligence: cognitive, emotional, and body intelligence (embodiment).
We regard the qualification of executives as an integral part of organizational change processes.

Methods for embodiment
Transformational leadership through encounters with horses
Effective and non-abusive handling of horses has been recognized in many cultures worldwide as a hallmark of an outstanding leader and a recommendation for high office. We consider this approach so fundamental that we give it a central role in the services we offer.
Stage coaching and campaigning change
Confident, believable and convincing - the right personal charisma is not just a key to success for actors. And the skillful use of a stage does not just make plays more effective. We devote ourselves to the development of excellent performances.
Our offerings
Supervisory board, executive board and management level
- Personal coaching / Role coaching.
Role management in challenging power constellations.
- Public exposure / Image campaigns.
Why is the formation of a strong private brand essential for for increasing your effectiveness?
- Individual programs for management board members.
Collaboration with the Nelson Mandela Foundation. Possible topics: Result orientation / Customer orientation / Cooperation and influence / Change skills / Team leadership / Organizational skills / Strategic orientation / Market skills
- Peer groups
for board members from different companies
Top management and middle management
- Executive coaching.
We offer tailor-made coaching processes for a variety of challenging leadership occasions, integrating methods and knowledge from our team of experts as needed.Contracts are clarified by the client in a joint conversation with the coachee. Depending on the context, we may start with the coachee using a low-effort 360° instrument developed by us to meet the target requirements of their role on the basis of their actual profile which is established through a direct assessment of respondents.
- Development and implementation of leadership programs as part of organizational change architecture.
Leadership is always understood as contextual work. This is not something we try to ignore in our programs and coaching. We invite context not only to better understand the individual roles of executives, but also to facilitate the transfer of training into daily activities. In doing so, we attach great importance to the joint diagnosis of the corporate context in order to define appropriate interventions.For example: In a large technology group, we designed various leadership development formats, ranging from inspirational short inputs to problem-oriented work on individual cases to multi-day workshops with design-thinking approaches. In all cases, the concrete situation and challenge is our guiding principle.
Special offerings in elite sports
- Mental competence, self-control, self-energization of athletes
- Transformational leadership skills for trainers
- Goal agreements, collaboration and team performance for coaches and teams
Our topic-based leadership programs 2024
The modules can be booked individually or as a module series in-house and elsewhere. Please contact us.