Milena Hinrichs
Senior Partner

Milena Hinrichs is a Senior Partner of Kessel & Kessel GmbH. She advises executives, consultants and teams in personal and role-related development processes. As a consultant at Kessel & Kessel, she has been advising clients in fashion, finance, banking, energy, the German football league, and public service for more than ten years.
Milena's expertise lies in horse-based coaching and seminars. Through her many years of collaboration with Reinhard Mantler, she has deep experience in the relationships between the effects of cognition, emotion and body language in leadership and how they can be understood with the help of exercises using horses. Together with Bertine Kessel, she developed a concept for the promotion of women in management positions, which includes personal experiences of their own positioning in different power dynamics.
Milena completed interdisciplinary studies in psychology, education, sociology, law and theology at the Ev. University of Applied Sciences RauhesHaus in Hamburg. During her studies, she completed consultancy and coaching training in systemic transactional analysis at Kessel & Kessel with certification as a “Transactional Analytical Advisor” (DGTA). This was followed by further education in psychology, organizational development and psychotraumatology. As a social pedagogue specialist consultant focused on trauma (DeGPT/ BAG), she has worked for various social agencies in Hamburg in recent years. Milena is a certified TGT trainer following Peter Kreinberg and trains horses herself.